About ASH: An Insight
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I was born on 14 Sep to Arthur & Joanne, in Texas of all places. I have lived most of my life in California. I have lived in Fremont, Newark, Santa Cruz, Aptos, Redwood City, San Jose, Campbell, Santa Clara, Palmdale and now I'm back in Campbell.

My earliest memories are of spending time with my then best fried, Dina, back in Fremont. To this day, I still find myself thinking back to the fun we had together, although I have not seen her in over 20 years .

When I was in my early teens, Mom and I moved to Santa Cruz with the evil step-father. Santa Cruz was a fun place to live, I made several really good friends (Allen, Tom, & Rick) and started to develop (sorry, not pun intended) an interest in photography and making movies. My late teens also saw my Brother (Larry), Mom and me owning a pet store, originally called the Exotic Bird And Fish Co. later to be known as the Aptos Pet Center.

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