About ASH: An Insight
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Photos & Memories
My cat, Morticia. I've had her for about 9 years. She's definately the most bizarre cat I know. My ex-roommates have a great photo of her sleeping in our bathroom sink, maybe I should put that one up here too.
My dog from, uh, well a while back. He had to be put to sleep back in 88. Still miss him. He was a Pembroke Welsh Corgi (Same breed kept by the Royal Family) and full of energy. I wish I had more photos of him.
My ex-fiance, but still one of my closest friends, Lyn. She is the best friend I have ever had. Too bad we blew it by becoming romantically involved.
My grandmother (in white jacket), me (looking like I gotta go REALLY bad), and mom (with screaming red hair and blue sweater). Caption should probably read "Excuse me, can we FINISH with this shot and find a RESTROOM".
Me after getting the phone number of the girl behind me (yeah, uh huh, keep on dreaming 'drew.) From a vacation in Hawaii in 1980.
From my days of Working at Tower Records in 1989. Facing the camera we have Elise (I think, it's been so long I've forgotten) and turned away from the camera we have Lana.
Again from my 1989 Tower days, Sonia and me acting cool for the camera. (Thanks for the loner of the shades Sonia.)
My 1973 MG Midget. Drives really good, and gets great gas mileage. Kind of a pain to do any work on though.
My first computer, an Apple ][+ with a whopping 64k of memory and a 10 megabyte hard drive. I've still got it sitting in storage, and it STILL works great.
Maurice was my manager during my ending days at Tower Records Campbell in about 1991. We had become good friends, and the time period during which this photo was taken he was helping me get over my first loss of Lyn. He passed away in 1996, and is missed very much by everybody that knew him.
Dina was probably my first love. This is us back in 1973. I really do miss those days, and wish I could find a way to contact her to see how she's doing.
During my high school days, my brother, my mum, and I owned a pet store called The Aptos Pet Centre. This is my Brother, Larry, and my Mom at work grooming one of the customers' dogs. The Macaw Parrot on my Mom's shoulder is Jason.
During 1997, Lyn and I used to make weekly trips to the San Francisco Zoo to see 'our' cats. This is Prince Charlie, a white Siberian Tiger, who unfortunately passed away in the early part of 1998.
Again from the SF Zoo, this is Topal, their male adult African Lion. Topal also unfortunately passed away in the summer of 1998.
The new generation of Lions at the SF Zoo. This little guy was brought out of the cub enclosure for me to get some great shots of, here he is laying on the steps just lazily playing with some pine shreddings.
I used to love the show Airwolf when it was on NBC, to this day I can say the original opening monologue (File A56-7W, Top Secret, Subject: Airwolf...) When I heard that the actual Bell 222B was going to be at an airshow in Utah, I HAD to go. This is one of the many photos I have of this event.
My ALBA-I rocket loaded on the bike rack of my 73 MG Midget. The ALBA-I stands 52" tall and has a diameter of 4".
Me with my Estes Industries' Phoenix and Sidewinder model rockets. Both fly great, see below for the Phoenix launch photo.
The first launch of my Estes Industries Phoenix model rocket. As you can see, an almost perfect launch. Deployment of the parachute and touchdown were also perfect.
One of my best friends, Allen and his wife Cindy. Allen lives down in Los Angeles, trying to get into the Movie business. He has worked on several TV and stage productions, as well as had a few walk-ons in a few movies. I really should be down there with him, as we work extremely well together, but I was to busy up here setting myself up for a heart-break.

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