Joss Whedon Store: Artwork

Serenity ISV Cerberus Desert Camp Poster
Serenity ISV Cerberus Desert Camp Poster  
 price: 10.79  releaseDate:
 manufacturer: Quantum Mechanix  upc: 894742001384
 category: Artwork  subcategory: Firefly/Serenity
 source: Entertainment Earth  

Calling all Browncoats! Stunning artwork! Add to your collection! Part of the Serenity: Unification War print series, The ISV Cerberus is a Series 3 Firefly - just like Serenity - but with a military refit that made it one of the baddest ships ever to take up arms against the Alliance. The Firefly Gunboat variant was the backbone of the Independents air and space forces during the Unification War, equally capable of taking on ground targets and capital ships. Inexpensive to operate and heavily armored, the gunboats gave the Independents an early advantage in the guerrilla battles that dominated the war. Bringing the Cerberus to life was a labor of love for many talented and experienced Serenity designers. Based on a concept sketch done by Tim Earls for the Official Serenity Blueprint Reference Pack (Tim did Serenity's concept design under the direction of Joss Whedon), the ship was rendered from scratch by Lightwave virtuoso Sean Kennedy. Once the model was complete, it became possible to pose the ship in any number of scenes and scenarios. For her debut, we see our "Big Dog" taking a much-deserved break, reinforcing an Independents encampment in one of the deserts on Persephone. Look closely and you can see some of her crew and Browncoat marines moving under her shadow. This poster is full of little details and surprises, from the tattered 12th Cavalry flag hanging from the side of a gun emplacement to the "Eat This Purple Bellies" scrawled on the sides of Cerberus' big missiles. Even Serenity Graphic Designer Geoffrey Mandel had a hand in her creation, creating the Cerberus and 12th Cavalry logos. This incredible print measures 12 1/2-inches tall x 19 1/2-inches wide, rolled and bagged. Get yours today!

Serenity Complete and Official Map of the Verse Rolled
Serenity Complete and Official Map of the Verse Rolled  
 price: 34.99  releaseDate:
 manufacturer: Quantum Mechanix  upc: 894742001391
 category: Artwork  subcategory: Firefly/Serenity
 source: Entertainment Earth  

Two years in the making, the Complete and Official Map of the Verse is the first comprehensive guide to the worlds of Joss Whedon's Firefly and Serenity. The map documents the location, relative sizes and names of the 215 terraformed worlds and moons, seven gas giants, seven protostars and five distinct star systems that comprise the star cluster known as The Verse. Literally thousand of pieces of information are contained in this stunningly beautiful design by Serenity Graphic Designer Geoffrey Mandel. It is as much a work of art as it is a visual guide of unparalleled detail. So much detail, in fact, the map encompasses both sides of the heavy cover stock paper it's printed on. Dozens of experts of every stripe (science, design, production) started with the available reference from the series and movie and spent months building out from there. Measures 40-inches wide x 27-inches tall. 65-lb heavy cover stock paper. Rolled. Awesome.


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