price: 49.99 |
releaseDate: |
manufacturer: Gale Force 9 |
upc: 9780992251659 |
category: Games |
subcategory: Firefly/Serenity |
source: Entertainment Earth |
Firefly, the popular Fox television series created by Joss Whedon, comes to life in this exciting board game from Gale Force Nine. In Firefly: The Game Board Game, players captain their own Firefly-class transport ship, traveling the ''Verse with a handpicked crew of fighters, mechanics, and other travelers. As a captain desperate for work, players are compelled to take on any job. as long as it pays. Double-dealing employers, heavy-handed Alliance patrols, and marauding Reavers are all in a day''s work for a ship''s captain at the edge of the ''Verse. Find a crew. Find a job. Keep flying! For 1 to 4 players. Ages 13 and up. Compelling characters, great storytelling, and an evocative universe have made Firefly a fan favorite for over a decade. Now admirers of the show and board games can chart their own course with Firefly: The Game! |