Rufus: People only want to hear the good s** eternal, a place in God's heaven...but as soon as you hear that you're gettin' all this good s**t from a black Jesus, you freak. And that, my friends, is called hypocrisy. A black man can steal your stereo, but he can't be your savior.
Jay: I feel like I'm Han Solo, and you're Chewie, and she's Ben Kenobi, and we're in that f**ked-up bar.
[After throwing Bartleby and Loki off a train; a la Indiana Jones] Silent Bob: No ticket!
Rufus: You know what the dead do with most of their time? They watch the living. Especially in the shower. Jay: I can't wait to die.
Metatron: You people! If it hasn't been made into a movie, it's not worth knowing about, is that it?
While in production the project's name was "Bearclaw".
Albert Brooks was offered the role of Cardinal Glick.
Alanis Morissette was originally meant to play the leading role of Bethany Sloan, but was unable to because of her 1998-99 world tour. By the time she was able to work on the film, the role had been cast so she was offered the chance to play God as compensation.
The "Mooby the Calf" song is sung to the same tune as used in the celebration scene in Citizen Kane.
The role of God was originally written for Holly Hunter, who passed. Even so, they kept the reference to The Piano in the script.
Credits Fun:
The Director would like to thank:
God - Whose idea it was to make both this film and me
Scott - The most spiritual agnostic I know
Jenny - Who gave me strength, love and major booty
Mom and Dad - Who raised me catholic, more or less
Affleck - A pimp with passion
Gordon - Our honorary catholic jew
Harvey - Our man on the ladder who didnt let us dangle
The folks at Lions Gate - Who saved us from oblivion
Mewes - See? Sober living paid off
Yoeman - For raising that visual bar
Howard - For that sweet Shore score
Stoss - The long arm of the Law
Phil - For making that cold call
Kim - For holding down the fort
Gina and Tony - For the full court press
Try and wait - For no end of support and amusement
Laura and Monica-For keeping us on time on budget and keeping Mosier happy (Professionally and otherwise)
The Cast - For genius work at shamefull rates
The Crew - For long hours and even more shameful rates
Team Elliot and Shore Fire Studios - because I forgot to thank them in the "Amy" credits
Harley Quinn - For giving me the opportunity to raise my own little Catholic
Opening text:
1) a renunciation of any claim to or connection with;
2) disavowal;
3) a statement made to save one's own ass.
Though it'll go without saying ten minutes or so into these preceedings, View Askew would like to state that this film is from start to finish a work of comedic fantasy, not to be taken seriously. To insist that any of what follows is incendiary or inflammatory is to miss our intention and pass judgement; and passing judgement is reserved for God and God alone (this goes for you film critics too...just kidding).
So please before you think about hurting someone over this trifle of a film, remember: even God has a sense of humor. Just look at the Platypus. Thank you and enjoy the show.
P.S. We sincerely apologize to all Platypus enthusiasts out there who are offended by that thoughtless comment about Platypi. We at View Askew respect the noble Platypus, and it is not our intention to slight these stupid creatures in any way.
Thank you again and enjoy the show
"Dogma" is the culmination of lifetime's worth of disparate spiritual and satirical influences, which owes a debt to sundry storytellers and word-smiths these authors and instigators I humbly thank in no particular order...
Saint Mathew Saint Mark Saint Luke
Saint John Sam Kinison George Carlin
Elaine Pagels John Milton Cervantes
Martin Scorsese Alan Moore Thomas Moore
Spike Lee Douglas Adams Robert Bolt
Quentin Tarantino Nikos Kazantzakis Dennis Arcand
Neil Gaiman Grant Morrison Matt Wagner
Howard, Robin, Jackie, Fred, Gary, and everyone at the Howard Stern Show and Sister Theresa from 8th grade.
Read the further adventure of Jay and Silent Bob in Oni Press Comics. Find Jay and Silent Bob whoring their image on T-shirts, action figures, and other fine products produced exclusively by Graphitti Designs. And when you're in Red Banks drop a few bucks on comics, toys, and cool "Dogma" swag (all featuring Jay and Silent Bob) at Jay and Silent Bob Secret Stash, 35 Broad St.
Hey man, I've got a kid I'm going to have to put through college one day, alright?
Jay and Silent Bob will return in "Clerks 2: Hardly Clerkin'".
DVD Easter Eggs: (Hidden So You Don't See Anything You Don't Want To See)
Edition: Special Edition
Region: 1
Description: Lots 'o Eggs
On both disks there are easter eggs. Right when the main menu appears (on both disks) the easter egg is in the corner near the View Askew logo (a clown). On the Movie disk an option will be "Play Movie". Press Left and another caption will pop up next to it reading "Don't Play Movie", press that and it will lead you to a screen which will hold some advice (there are four different "advices" on this easter egg, so after one is over and it returns to the main menu, repeat pressing it if you wish to see the other blurbs).
Also on both disks, it works on any feature (I believe) the shit demon appears laughing and then faints, but if you press that or another feature again right after that, it opens back up the the shit demon screen and the demon says an well-known phrase from all Kevin Smith films.
On the main menu of the first disc, enter '37' into your remote.
For disk 1 go to the last page of the Scene Selections menu and enter 3 on your remote. You will no longer be able to select any of the menu items. Then press 3 again, hey-presto How Jay thinks Kevin directs.
Also on disk 1, let the main menu run for about 30 seconds and the menu will "stop" and the "Church Lady" at the bottom right corner will say something.
On the disk 2 there is a Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash spot featuring Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes (once again near the View Askew clown logo).
Also on disk 2, go to the last page of the deleted scenes menu and press 2 then 4. How Kevin thinks he directs.