[Brodie picks up a controller and continues a paused video game.] Renee: What are you doing? You promised me breakfast. Brodie: Breakfast, shmreakfast. Look at the score, for Christ's sake. It's only the second period and I'm up 12 to 2. Breakfasts come and go, Renee, but Hartford, "the Whale," they only beat Vancouver once, maybe twice in a lifetime.
Brodie: Listen, not a year goes by, not a year, that I don't hear about some escalator accident involving some bastard kid which could have easily been avoided had some parent--I don't care which one--but some parent conditioned him to fear and respect that escalator!
Brodie: Cookie stand's not part of the food court. T.S.: Sure it is. Brodie: The food court is downstairs the cookie stand is upstairs it's not like we're talking quantum physics here! T.S.: The cookie stand is an eatery, an eatery is part of the food court. Brodie: Bullshit! Eateries that operate within the designated square downstairs qualify as food court, anything operating outside the said designated square is considered an autonomous unit for mid-mall snacking.
Brodie: He must be halfway to Buy Me Toys by now.
Eden Prairie Center, where the film was shot, worked out perfectly for the shooting. The there were a lot of vacant store fronts, so the producers could set up "fake stores" for the film.
The studio almost replaced Jason Mewes with Seth Green to play Jay. Kevin Smith insisted that Jason Mewes should play Jay, but the studio made Smith take auditions for the role. Breckin Meyer also auditioned for the role of Jay. In the end, all parties agreed that Jason Mewes was right for the part.
"La Fours", the mall security guard, is a reference to "La Force" the bounty hunter after Robert Redford and Paul Newman in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Both characters are noted for their straw hats and being the toughest lawmen around.
Two main characters named Brodie Bruce and T.S. Quint are a reference to Jaws where there were characters called Brody and Quint and where the shark was nicknamed "Bruce" on the set.
Brodie is a comic book collector, there is a comic book store in the mall, comic book creator Stan Lee appears in the movie, Brodie and T.S. discuss Superman's sex life.
Credits Fun:
Jay and Silent Bob will return in Chasing Amy
Thanks to Mom and Dad for having sex all those years ago
DVD Easter Eggs: (Hidden So You Don't See Anything You Don't Want To See)
Edition: Universal Home Video
Region: 1
Description: Kevin Smith rants
a) Go to the disc’s “Special Features” menu and select the “Deleted Scenes”. Then, press the right arrow key to highlight the robot’s eyes. If you press “Enter” now, director Kevin Smith and another View Askew staff member will remind you to stop looking for Easter Eggs on DVD's.
b) Go to the soundtrack trailer and at the end there's a hilarious video for the Goops 'Build Me Up Buttercup' with Jay and his hetero lifemate Silent Bob.