Consolidated Film Industries (CFI), Hollywood (CA), USA - prints
Aspect Ratio:
1.85 : 1
Cinematographic Process:
Film Negative Format:
16 mm - Kodak 7252 Ektachrome
Printed Film Format:
35 mm
Franklin: They just shoot a bullet in their head, and then retract it. It's just BOOM-shht-BOOM-shht. Sally: Franklin, I like meat, please change the subject!
Franklin: I think we just picked up Dracula.
Franklin: If I have any more fun today I don't think I can take it!
Old Man: Look what your brother did to the door! Ain't got no, no pride in his home!
Old Man: Those girls... those girls don't wanna go messin' round no old house!
The film was banned by the British film censors in 1975, but, it did get a limited cinema release, thanks to various city councils. It was banned again in 1977, when the censors' attempts to cut it were unsuccessful, (for the purposes of a wider release), then it was banned again in 1984, due to the growing controversy involving 'video nasties'. In 1999, after the censors finally changed their policy, they took the plunge, and passed it uncut, for the cinema and video, after 25 years, since they first banned it.
When it was first released, the film was so horrifying that people actually walked out on sneak previews for it
Director Tobe Hooper claims to have got the idea for the film while standing in the hardware section of a crowded store. While thinking of a way to get out through the crowd, he spotted the chainsaws.
DVD Easter Eggs: (Hidden So You Don't See Anything You Don't Want To See)
Edition: Pioneer Video
Region: 1
Description: Alternate takes of decomposed body
Go to a deleted scene where they have some flashing shots of decomposed skeletons cut from the flashing light dead body scene at beginning of the movie. Play the deleted scene until the end.(Do not press stop or go back to maim menu). After deleted scene is finished it has part 2 of the deleted takes also showing all the explainations highlight play and enter to see the alternate takes of the decomposed graveyard body.