Childs: You're gonna have to sleep sometime, MacCready. MacCready: I'm a real light sleeper, Childs.
MacReady: First goddamn week of winter.
Garry: I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS F**KING COUCH!
[Thing roars and screams] MacReady: Yeah f**k you to.
The Norwegian dog in the film was named Jed. He was a half wolf/half husky breed. Jed was very obedient, never barked and acted perfectly on cue for his scenes.
In the scene where Norris' (Charles Hallahan) head separates from his body, special-FX designer Rob Bottin used highly inflammable materials for the construction of interior of the head and neck models. During the shoot John Carpenter decided that, for continuity reasons, they needed some flames around the scene. Without thinking they lit a fire bar and the whole room, which by now was filled with inflammable gasses, caught fire. Nobody got hurt, but the entire special effects model, on which Bottin had worked several months, was destroyed.
For a scene where a character's arms are severed, a real-life double amputee stand-in was used wearing a mask in the likeness of the character. The audience focuses on the bloody stumps while the mask goes unnoticed.
To give the illusion of icy Antarctic conditions, interior sets on the Los Angeles sound stages were refrigerated down to 40°F while it hovered around 90°F outside.
The film was originally banned when released in Finland.
DVD Easter Eggs: (Hidden So You Don't See Anything You Don't Want To See)
Edition: Universal Collectors Edition
Region: 1
Description: Hidden Music Score
Go to the Bonus Materials from the main menu and there select the Terror Takes Shape documentary. Go to Language Selection and you will find an menu called Music Score. It's the entire music score for the film.